
How do you write the story that you want to write?

How do you write the story that you want to write? Good question!  The simple answer is to experiment with your writing. When you choose to write stories, you have several points of views from which to do so. Do you think that your story would be best written in the first person, second person or third person? Why not have fun with your story? Write the same story using different points of view, then decide which works for you. Probably you'll discover that they all work quite well. Share the one you prefer or all of them with your readers for their enjoyment and to get feedback. Feedback on your work is always useful because it gives you a sense of what could be improved in your story and how your story resonates with your readers. Remember to show not tell ! I wrote the following very short story from three points of view. Here, I am sharing one version with you. Imagine the other versions. Enjoy. Remember,  inspiration for your stories is all around you . ...

Finding Inspiration to Write

Stories are everywhere. At this minute one is playing out right in front of you. You just need to capture it in words and share it using any of the conventions of story writing . Here is one of my very short stories that I created after listening to a conversation between two women. 

Yes by JBF

Yes by JBF Yes – the little word that heals or wounds The fragile heart’s respite From friends’ capricious masquerades That cripple, that entice Like sleep the weary eyelids shade From the sun’s taxing rays. Yes, the word that accentuates Our deepest joys and fears.

Is your job about your passion or about the money?

Are you following your passion or are you following the money? Ah, your passion! Some of you feel compelled to follow your passion. Your passion is that thing that you believe that you were born to do. It is that thing that gives you most joy in thinking about it and actually doing it. Your passion is what you believe to be your calling, your vocation in life. Your passion gets expression, oftentimes, in the career paths that you choose for yourselves. Some of you have chosen to be teachers, religious leaders, nurses, doctors, farmers, business persons... The list of career paths that you have chosen is quite extensive. You have chosen your career paths, your passion, because you believe that you have been called to them. You have chosen to follow your passion. You have chosen to do what gives you joy. There is a problem, though. Sometimes following your passion puts pressure on significant others to "make do" with what they consider to be the inadequate contribut...

I know everything by JBF

I know everything by JBF It’s mine I did it I will do it. I know everything What I say is true Don’t question it Don’t dismiss it I speak truth I will rant if that’s what I’m doing I will speak my truth I speak for the oppressed I speak for the stereotyped I speak for the misunderstood I speak for them They are me I am they I will not be silenced I will speak our truth I will speak the truth And you must listen.